too much truth to swallow

just another insignificant VRWC Pajamahadeen

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Turner Compares Fox's Popularity to Hitler

Ted Turner called Fox a propaganda tool of the Bush administration and indirectly compared Fox News Channel's popularity to Adolph Hitler's popular election to run Germany before World War II.

I think Mr. Jane Fonda is just mad because FoxNEWS has kicked CNN's butt in the ratings.

Turner made those fiery comments in his first address at the National Association for Television Programming Executives' conference since he was ousted from Time Warner Inc. five years ago. Other comments include:

On Fox News: While Fox may be the largest news network [and has overtaken Turner's CNN], it's not the best, Turner said. He followed up by pointing out that Adolph Hitler got the most votes when he was elected to run Germany prior to WWII. He said the network is the propaganda tool for the Bush Administration. "There's nothing wrong with that. It's certainly legal. But it does pose problems for our democracy. Particularly when the news is dumbed down," leaving voters without critical information on politics and world events and overloaded with fluff," he said.

Yeah, I just hate it when a major news network withholds "critical information on politics and world events" from us voters. Why I recall a "a chief news executive", named Eason Jordan, did an opinion piece in the New York Time where he admitted his network:

...has systematically covered up stories of Iraqi atrocities. Reports of murder, torture, and planned assassinations were suppressed in order to maintain [his network's] Baghdad bureau.

Now maybe it's just me, but I would say that this withheld information was pretty important, “critical” even. So who was his employer? What news network would deliberately withhold such information?

I'm SOOOO glad you asked! It was Ted's network: "al CNN"!

Hey Ted! Thanks for that heads up on FoxNEWS! Get back with us if Fox ever descends below the standards of CNN (i.e., below sea level.)

Thanks big guy!

Hat tip to Drudge


I should have expected this, but since I never do I was caught off-guard when, of course, Ted Turner's dumb comments—comparing FoxNEWS to Hitler and so on—was a topic on Brit Hume's segment on this evening's news.

After Brit quoted the effects of second hand marijuana on Ted Turner he then quoted a riposte from "a Fox News Spokesman”:

'Ted Turner is understandably bitter having lost his ratings, his network and now his mind. We wish him well."
My initial post lasted about 2 hours before Fox topped it. Oh well.

Postscript: the quote from the FoxNEWS spokesman is from my memory. I know that quote is fundamentally correct but might slightly vary from what was actually said.


The quote of the FoxNEWS spokesmane has been corrected. Now have a link to the the quote.