too much truth to swallow

just another insignificant VRWC Pajamahadeen

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Oliphant's BDS

The Washington Post published the Oliphant cartoon shown below and the Townhall blogger Dutch Martin of the C-log blog had a hissy fit.

Posted by Hello

Dutch Martin stated:

A friend of mine has just brought to my attention a cartoon in today's Washington Post that is, as far as I'm concerned, beyond offensive. I really don't have any other words to express how disgusted I am with it. I've grown accustomed to the fact that black conservatives/Republicans are often the subject of ridicule and ostracism by liberals (black and white) with virtual impugnity[sic]. However, this steps way over the line! The cartoonist, Pat Oliphant, should be ashamed of himself, and the Washington Post should be ashamed for running it.

My reaction is more resigned.

First, does anybody really care about this sort of thing? I don’t think so. Oh yeah, there would be a lot of professions of outrage if anyone right of center directed the same degree of contempt to, say, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. But the selectiveness of the outrage proves my point. The expressions of outrage are insincere.

Expressions of outrage for alleged racism is just a club for beating anyone right of center. This conclusion can be shown to be true because it is reserved exclusively for Republicans; it isn’t used to beat Democrats because nobody really cares about this anyway.

Second, does Dutch Martin really mean what he says? I don’t think so, or at least I hope not. Consider his pious platitudes:

[This cartoon is,] as far as I'm concerned, beyond offensive. I really don't have any other words to express how disgusted I am with it. … this steps way over the line! The cartoonist, Pat Oliphant, should be ashamed of himself, and the Washington Post should be ashamed for running it.

Oh get a grip Dutch. I felt contempt for Oliphant when I saw his cartoon—not disgust at the cartoon. Your pious declarations of “disgust” just makes you sound like you’re reciting leftist attack cant.

The only affect you’ll probably have is validating this same cant as a valid weapon; a weapon that will only be used against Republicans.

Finally, Pat Oliphant damages himself when reveals the full extent of his moonbattry. I believe that many people recognize that his unhinged cartoons are no longer about satire but about character assassination. Note that in his cartoon:

That Oliphant places the pirate’s symbol—the Jolly Rodger—on Bush’s captain’s hat. Here Oliphant insinuates that Bush is somehow a criminal

Bush addresses Condoleezza Rice as “captain”. Here Oliphant insinuates that everyone else does Bush’s thinking for him.

Condoleezza Rice is issuing a command to turn starboard (i.e., to turn the ship of state to the right. Here Oliphant insinuates that America’s foreign policy will abruptly swerve to the right in the absence of Powell’s moderating influence

Now this is all pretty sorry stuff. This piece of crap is so conspicuously malevolent that I cannot help but assume that it will just repel most of his audence. I’ve concluded a long time ago that Oliphant has descended into the advance stages of Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS). I suspect that most of the rest of his audience have either arrived at the same conclusions or also BDS victims.

Also, for the record, Oliphant’s become a sphincter


The Canadian Free Press has an excellent article The Democratic party: Modern day slave master. In my view this well-written article also misses the essential point: nobody really cares about these slurs nearly as much as they pretend they do. The only reason anyone actually bothers to act out their purported outrage is because it is an effective club to beat the right with.

This article is instructive, however, because it:
  • enumerates most of the players who can be counted to sound-off in unison in the event, say, Trent Lott flatters Strom Therman at his 100th birthday party and
  • marvels at their silence when rather obvious racial slurs about Dr Rice are published in the nation's paper's of record.

Frankly I cannot understand his puzzlement; to me it's simply obvious that they approve of racial slurs when their directed at Blacks who are politically right of center.

Hat tip to lucianne