too much truth to swallow

just another insignificant VRWC Pajamahadeen

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

hee hee, Nick Coleman just walked into a buzzsaw!

This isn't going to be pretty. Thomas Lifson of The American Thinker is gazing with morbid fascination at Nick Coleman, who fated himself to be pulled into the blogosphere’s gearbox.
"Oh Boy! Just when you thought the legacy media might have wised-up in the wake Dan Rather's career crash, along comes Nick Coleman, the worst columnist at the Worst Major Daily Newspaper in America. [This would be the Minneapolis St Paul [Red] Star Tribune--johnh ] The old adage is that when you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging. Instead, Nick has rented a metaphorical backhoe. Coleman is about to gain fame well beyond his home market, and I don't think he is going to enjoy the experience.

Evidently, Nick has been wounded deeply by the ridicule he has endured at the hands of fellow Minnesotans John Hinderaker and Scott Johnson, who comprise two of the three principals of Powerline, just named the first-ever 'Blog of the Year' by Time Magazine. As result, he attempts to hit back with inuendo about the size of the sexual organs of his antagonists.
Gee, does that ever win an argument? Guys with delicate egos shouldn’t go there.
Today’s Minneapolis Star-Tribune publishes a column by Coleman that is so scurrilous in its innuendo, so devoid of fact and logic, and so downright stupid that it took my breath away. How on earth does material of this quality get by an editor? Are they all on vacation? "

In the previous couple of centuries, a wise adage told the powerful to “never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” Those who purchased such quantities of ink became accustomed to unchallengeable status. But, as Hugh
and others have been pointing out, we live in new times. Bloggers buy pixels by the googleplex, and they don't have to wait 24 hours before firing the next round.
Lifson winds up his post with this gem:

Others have speculated that Nick Coleman is "insane" or is having a "meltdown." I have no clinical insight to offer, but I do see an analogy to a well-known practice of some of those bent on extinguishing their own lives. Certain people with access to a gun lack the guts to pull the trigger and blow their own brains out. So instead, they pull their gun on a police officer and threaten to kill him. The practice is known as "suicide by cop." I think Coleman has invented "career suicide by blogger."