calling Karl Rove...
Infidel Cowboy blogged:
What an excellent idea! I can think of nothing else that would make clear the full extent of Kerry misconduct during the Vietnam War. The immediacy of hearing Kerry’s forty year-old words ago used in the context of a war that we’re fully involved in would make today’s citizens—many who were unborn at that time—understand how outrageous, how disgraceful, and how contemptible his assault on our cherished soldiers was.
...Kerry's good friends at MoveOn ... are running an ad showing a defeated American soldier. Maybe Bush should make a follow up ad where that soldier is captured and forced to listen to Kerry telling the world that he is a war criminal. " (Emphasis mine–johnh )
What an excellent idea! I can think of nothing else that would make clear the full extent of Kerry misconduct during the Vietnam War. The immediacy of hearing Kerry’s forty year-old words ago used in the context of a war that we’re fully involved in would make today’s citizens—many who were unborn at that time—understand how outrageous, how disgraceful, and how contemptible his assault on our cherished soldiers was.
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