too much truth to swallow

just another insignificant VRWC Pajamahadeen

Friday, September 17, 2004

calling Karl Rove...

Infidel Cowboy blogged:

...Kerry's good friends at MoveOn ... are running an ad showing a defeated American soldier. Maybe Bush should make a follow up ad where that soldier is captured and forced to listen to Kerry telling the world that he is a war criminal. " (Emphasis mine–johnh )

What an excellent idea! I can think of nothing else that would make clear the full extent of Kerry misconduct during the Vietnam War. The immediacy of hearing Kerry’s forty year-old words ago used in the context of a war that we’re fully involved in would make today’s citizens—many who were unborn at that time—understand how outrageous, how disgraceful, and how contemptible his assault on our cherished soldiers was.